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Free Image Optimizer

Instantly reduce your image file size, effortlessly adapt them for any social media platform, and quickly convert between image formats.

Drag & Drop your image here

or click to browse your files

Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, SVG

Exceptional Quality

Our advanced algorithms intelligently balance quality and file size, preserving important details while removing unnecessary data.

Instant Results

See changes in real-time as you adjust settings. No waiting for uploads or server processing—everything happens instantly.

Intuitive Interface

Designed with simplicity in mind. No technical knowledge required—just drag, drop, and adjust with our user-friendly controls.


Works flawlessly on any modern browser and device. No downloads or installations needed—just open and start optimizing.

Complete Privacy

Your images stay on your device. Our client-side processing means your files never reach our servers—ensuring total confidentiality.

Always Free

Full functionality without hidden costs. No account creation, no premium tiers, no watermarks—just powerful image tools accessible to everyone.

What You Can Do


Reduce your image file size without sacrificing quality. Perfect for websites, email attachments, and social media. Adjust compression levels with our interactive slider to find the perfect balance between quality and file size.


Resize, crop, and adjust aspect ratios with ease. Prepare images for specific platforms, websites, or print. Our visual editor makes it simple to get the perfect dimensions without losing important details.


Transform your images between different file formats (JPG, PNG, WebP, etc.) while maintaining quality. Choose the best format for your needs, whether you need transparency, smaller file sizes, or compatibility with specific platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does image compression work?

Our image compression uses advanced algorithms to reduce file size by selectively removing redundant image data and optimizing the encoding. The process analyzes your image to identify areas where data can be reduced without significantly affecting visual quality. You have full control over the compression level, and our real-time preview allows you to see exactly how your image will look before downloading.

Is there a limit to how many images I can process?

No, there's no limit to the number of images you can process. Since all processing happens directly in your browser, you can use our tool as much as you need without any restrictions. The only limitation is your device's processing power and memory.

What image formats are supported?

Our tool supports all major image formats including JPG/JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, and more. You can convert between these formats while maintaining the highest possible quality. WebP is recommended for web use as it provides excellent compression with high quality.

Are my images safe and private?

Absolutely. Your privacy is our top priority. All processing happens directly in your browser—your images never leave your device or get uploaded to any server. We have no access to your images and no data is stored or transmitted. This makes our tool completely safe for processing sensitive or confidential images.

Will compression affect image quality?

Compression always involves some trade-off between file size and quality. However, our tool is designed to minimize visible quality loss while maximizing file size reduction. You have full control over the compression level, and our real-time preview allows you to see exactly how your image will look before downloading.

Do I need to create an account to use this tool?

No, we don't require any account creation, registration, or login. Our tool is completely free to use without any limitations. Simply visit the website, upload your image, and start optimizing right away. No email address, personal information, or payment details are ever required.